This is the complete list of members for CZNC, including all inherited members.
AddBindHost(const CString &sHost) | CZNC | |
AddBytesRead(unsigned long long u) | CZNC | inline |
AddBytesWritten(unsigned long long u) | CZNC | inline |
AddListener(CListener *) | CZNC | |
AddListener(unsigned short uPort, const CString &sBindHost, const CString &sURIPrefix, bool bSSL, EAddrType eAddr, CListener::EAcceptType eAccept, CString &sError) | CZNC | |
AddMotd(const CString &sMessage) | CZNC | inline |
AddNetworkToQueue(CIRCNetwork *pNetwork) | CZNC | |
AddServerThrottle(CString sName) | CZNC | inline |
AddTrustedProxy(const CString &sHost) | CZNC | |
AddUser(CUser *pUser, CString &sErrorRet) | CZNC | |
AllowConnectionFrom(const CString &sIP) const | CZNC | |
AuthUser(CSmartPtr< CAuthBase > AuthClass) | CZNC | |
BackupConfigOnce(const CString &sSuffix) | CZNC | |
Broadcast(const CString &sMessage, bool bAdminOnly=false, CUser *pSkipUser=NULL, CClient *pSkipClient=NULL) | CZNC | |
BytesRead() const | CZNC | inline |
BytesWritten() const | CZNC | inline |
ClearBindHosts() | CZNC | |
ClearMotd() | CZNC | inline |
ClearTrustedProxies() | CZNC | |
ConfigState enum name | CZNC | |
CreateInstance() | CZNC | static |
CZNC() | CZNC | |
DeletePidFile() | CZNC | |
DeleteUser(const CString &sUsername) | CZNC | |
DeleteUsers() | CZNC | |
DelListener(CListener *) | CZNC | |
DestroyInstance() | CZNC | static |
DisableConnectQueue() | CZNC | |
DumpConfig(const CConfig *Config) | CZNC | static |
ECONFIG_NEED_WRITE enum value | CZNC | |
ECONFIG_NOTHING enum value | CZNC | |
EnableConnectQueue() | CZNC | |
ExpandConfigPath(const CString &sConfigFile, bool bAllowMkDir=true) | CZNC | |
FilterUncommonModules(std::set< CModInfo > &ssModules) | CZNC | |
FindListener(u_short uPort, const CString &BindHost, EAddrType eAddr) | CZNC | |
FindModule(const CString &sModName, const CString &sUsername) | CZNC | |
FindModule(const CString &sModName, CUser *pUser) | CZNC | |
FindUser(const CString &sUsername) | CZNC | |
Get() | CZNC | static |
GetAnonIPLimit() const | CZNC | inline |
GetBindHosts() const | CZNC | inline |
GetCompileOptionsString() | CZNC | static |
GetConfigFile() const | CZNC | inline |
GetConfigState() const | CZNC | inline |
GetConfPath(bool bAllowMkDir=true) const | CZNC | |
GetConnectDelay() const | CZNC | inline |
GetConnectionQueue() | CZNC | inline |
GetCurPath() const | CZNC | |
GetHomePath() const | CZNC | |
GetListeners() const | CZNC | inline |
GetManager() | CZNC | inline |
GetManager() const | CZNC | inline |
GetMaxBufferSize() const | CZNC | inline |
GetModPath() const | CZNC | |
GetModules() | CZNC | inline |
GetMotd() const | CZNC | inline |
GetPemLocation() const | CZNC | |
GetProtectWebSessions() const | CZNC | inline |
GetServerThrottle() const | CZNC | inline |
GetServerThrottle(CString sName) | CZNC | inline |
GetSkinName() const | CZNC | inline |
GetStatusPrefix() const | CZNC | inline |
GetTag(bool bIncludeVersion=true, bool bHTML=false) | CZNC | static |
GetTrafficStats(TrafficStatsPair &Users, TrafficStatsPair &ZNC, TrafficStatsPair &Total) | CZNC | |
GetTrustedProxies() const | CZNC | inline |
GetUptime() const | CZNC | |
GetUserMap() const | CZNC | inline |
GetUserPath() const | CZNC | |
GetVersion() | CZNC | static |
GetZNCPath() const | CZNC | |
InitDirs(const CString &sArgvPath, const CString &sDataDir) | CZNC | |
IsHostAllowed(const CString &sHostMask) const | CZNC | |
LeakConnectQueueTimer(CConnectQueueTimer *pTimer) | CZNC | |
Loop() | CZNC | |
m_bProtectWebSessions | CZNC | protected |
m_eConfigState | CZNC | protected |
m_lpConnectQueue | CZNC | protected |
m_Manager | CZNC | protected |
m_msDelUsers | CZNC | protected |
m_msUsers | CZNC | protected |
m_pConnectQueueTimer | CZNC | protected |
m_pLockFile | CZNC | protected |
m_pModules | CZNC | protected |
m_sConfigFile | CZNC | protected |
m_sConnectThrottle | CZNC | protected |
m_sCurPath | CZNC | protected |
m_sPidFile | CZNC | protected |
m_sSkinName | CZNC | protected |
m_sSSLCertFile | CZNC | protected |
m_sStatusPrefix | CZNC | protected |
m_sZNCPath | CZNC | protected |
m_TimeStarted | CZNC | protected |
m_uBytesRead | CZNC | protected |
m_uBytesWritten | CZNC | protected |
m_uiAnonIPLimit | CZNC | protected |
m_uiConnectDelay | CZNC | protected |
m_uiConnectPaused | CZNC | protected |
m_uiMaxBufferSize | CZNC | protected |
m_vpListeners | CZNC | protected |
m_vsBindHosts | CZNC | protected |
m_vsMotd | CZNC | protected |
m_vsTrustedProxies | CZNC | protected |
OnBoot() | CZNC | |
ParseConfig(const CString &sConfig, CString &sError) | CZNC | |
PauseConnectQueue() | CZNC | |
RehashConfig(CString &sError) | CZNC | |
RemBindHost(const CString &sHost) | CZNC | |
RemTrustedProxy(const CString &sHost) | CZNC | |
ResumeConnectQueue() | CZNC | |
SetAnonIPLimit(unsigned int i) | CZNC | inline |
SetConfigState(enum ConfigState e) | CZNC | inline |
SetConnectDelay(unsigned int i) | CZNC | |
SetMaxBufferSize(unsigned int i) | CZNC | inline |
SetMotd(const CString &sMessage) | CZNC | inline |
SetProtectWebSessions(bool b) | CZNC | inline |
SetServerThrottle(unsigned int i) | CZNC | inline |
SetSkinName(const CString &s) | CZNC | inline |
SetStatusPrefix(const CString &s) | CZNC | inline |
TimeStarted() const | CZNC | inline |
TrafficStatsMap typedef | CZNC | |
TrafficStatsPair typedef | CZNC | |
UpdateModule(const CString &sModule) | CZNC | |
WaitForChildLock() | CZNC | |
WriteConfig() | CZNC | |
WriteNewConfig(const CString &sConfigFile) | CZNC | |
WritePemFile() | CZNC | |
WritePidFile(int iPid) | CZNC | |
~CZNC() | CZNC |