Changes since ZNC 0.070: High-impact security bugs: There was a path traversal bug in ZNC which allowed attackers write access to any place to which ZNC has write access. The attacker only needed a user account (with BounceDCCs enabled). Details are in the commit message: All ZNC versions since ZNC 0.022 (Initial import in SVN) are affected. New stuff: * /msg *status uptime is now accessible to everyone. * ZNC can now optionally use c-ares for asynchronous DNS resolving. * The new config option AnonIPLimit limits the number of unidentified connections per IP. Fixes: * znc --no-color --makeconf still used some color codes. * Webadmin favicons were broken since r1481. * znc.pc was installed to the wrong directory in multilib systems. * Handle flags like e.g. --allow-root for /msg *status restart. * Fix channel user mode tracking. * Fix a possible crash if users are deleted while they are connecting to IRC. * Limit HTTP POST data to 1 MiB. * OnStatusCommand() wasn't called for commands executed via /znc. * On systems where sizeof(off_t) is 4, all ZNC-originated DCCs failed with "File too large (>4 GiB)". * ZNC didn't properly verify paths when checking for directory traversal attacks (Low impact). Minor stuff: * Minor speed optimizations. * stickychan now accepts a channel list as module arguments. * Added a clear command to nickserv. * Added an execute command to perform. * Added a swap command to perform. * fail2ban clears all bans on rehash. Internal stuff: * The API for traffic stats changed. * Some optimizations to CSmartPtr. * CString now accepts an optional precision for converting floating point numbers. * Made home dir optional in CDir::ChangeDir(). * EMFILE in CSockets is handled by closing the socket. Special thanks to cnu and flakes for finding security issues!